Mobile gas cleaning systems
Airprotech offers mobile gas cleaning systems for VOC abatement to be easily transported and used in situ for the required period and then moved to a new site.
The main applications comprise:
- cleaning of polluted air from remediation of contaminated soils through Air sparging and Soil vapor extraction
- aspiration and treatment of waste gases from filling and empty of large storage tanks for hydrocarbons and chemicals.
The mobile systems are container-made or skid-mounted for easy transportation and handling, they are specifically designed to treat hydrocarbons and volatile organic compounds VOC by means of different technologies depending on the specific application:
- catalytic oxidizer
- direct thermal oxidizer
Airprotech offers the mobile systems for sale or alternatively equipment for rental, in this case customer pays a fix monthly/rate and at the end of the rental period can decide if to purchase definitively the equipment or give it back to Airprotech.